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Creating a world

where young people feel

safe and supported

Almost a quarter of all young people experience poor social and emotional wellbeing.

Our programs empower young people to instil life skills, confidence, hope and resilience.

We help young people realise their potential and embrace their opportunities for a chance at a good life.

What we do

The Good Life Farm provides trauma-informed programs for young people in the presence of nature and animals. Our hugely successful practice has been operating since 2005.

We enable young people to create bonds with animals before transferring these skills to their relationships with other people. These bonds are based on care, respect and love.

Our programs have been independently evaluated to improve participants' social skills, confidence and sense of self-worth, and reduce their anti-social behaviour.

Independent evaluation provides evidence of success

We are delighted to share with you the results of a 12-month evaluation of the Good Life Farm program. The evaluation demonstrates the outstanding impacts of this unique form of animal-assisted learning.

We all knew intuitively that our model has beneficial outcomes for our young people but this evaluation provides empirical evidence to support our beliefs.

“For most of the participants, their Good Life Farm experience (encompassing staff interaction, time in nature and caring for animals) enabled them to gain confidence, life skills and strategies to manage stressors”.

“Evidence suggests after two terms, many participants have developed the skills and confidence to better engage in educational and social settings”.

We know we have a terrific program. Growing our capacity to take in more kids is our biggest challenge.

How you can help

Join the board

We're hiring for new Directors on our board.

Partner with us

We're looking for partners to help us achieve our goals.


Help us to maintain the farm and provide food for the animals.

Sponsor a child

The Good Life Farm aims to give every troubled young person a fresh chance by instilling life skills, confidence, hope and resilience.

Many of our young people are people whom no other organisation or schools will take in. We work with them to make positive changes to their lives through guided experiences with animals and nature on our small farm.

Our child sponsorship program gives you a chance to help a young person participate in our 10-week intensive life and skills program for the first time.

The children in our sponsorship program aren't able to access our program due to:

socio-economic disadvantage

existing vulnerabilities

further isolation from the community, education providers and services throughout COVID-19.

All young people are between the age of 7 and 17.

Latest updates

Now available in Vermont

We will be offering a second program on location in Vermont for Term 4 2024 and are hopeful that this may provide an opportunity for young people to participate who may have been previously unable, based on location.

Recycle and support the farm

By donating your valuable container refunds at your nearest refund point, you can help us to deliver the Life and Social Skills program to more vulnerable young people.